Wednesday, 14 April 2021

The application of Porter’s ‘Five Forces’ and Value Chain to the NHS

The ‘Five Forces’ model has been promoted and taught widely since it was first proposed by Michael Porter in Harvard Business Review in 1979 

It is usually summarised through a diagram of which, through widespread transmission, there seem to be an increasing number of variants. The original ‘Maltese Cross’ layout seems to be quite enduring. The following four versions were picked quickly from a general Google search:

The use of arrows in these diagrams is particularly confusing since it implies meaning which seems spurious on deeper reflection. It suggests that four of the forces all act on Competitive Rivalry, which in most diagrams is given a cycle of arrows suggesting that it also acts on itself

The model actually indicates that all five forces act on Competitive Advantage. So it could be better represented as follows:

But as a picture, this is far less visually interesting than the familiar layout. We could speculate on how far the satisfying visual symmetry of the ‘Maltese Cross’ layout, even with its logical flaws, has contributed to the longevity of the model, which might otherwise have joined a long procession of ephemeral ‘5 Ps’, ‘6 Qs’ and  ‘7 Rs’.

Some commentators see meaning in the  ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ alignments (note that in one of  the four 'random' illustrations these are reversed)

Any well-established, enduring business model will have its share of blind supporters and compulsive detractors.  There are also those who seek to hi-jack a little of the international attention for themselves, such as through proposing a ‘sixth force’ and so on 

Whatever the strengths or limitations of these models and their application, it is important to remind ourselves that completing them is not an end in itself. These are analytical tools, some of many, that we can use to complete a strategic analysis. The end product is new strategy.

Porter himself became very interested in the atypical nature of healthcare systems

Edgar Bolton. 10/04/2021.

Any views expressed above are purely mine and should not be mistaken for those of any organisations or individuals I have been associated with

Friday, 9 April 2021

Introducing SMART objectives

SMART is an acronym referring to a common approach to structuring objectives. The five elements refer to criteria which an objective needs to satisfy

  • Specific
  • Measureable
  • Applicable
  • Realistic
  • Time-bound

Each of these is explained below




How will we know when the objective is accomplished? This needs a clear measure or a clear Yes/No. For example, an objective that I have set myself is to reach 30,000 connections on LinkedIn. At the last count I had reached 25,235 connections. So, in quantitative terms, I have not achieved this objective yet. But I can say I am 84% of the way there. 

There is a separate consideration around why the target is 30,000 (in this case it is simply the permitted maximum). There is also big qualitative difference between 30,000 carefully chosen relevant connections and any 30,000 arbitrary connections. So numbers on their own may not always be sufficient. 

A problem with many objectives is that they are not properly measureable. People can come up with an approximate percentage completion. This is often done in project or performance reports, sometimes lending to over optimistic statements. 

So it may come down to avoiding ambiguity in the specification. An objective simply to improve something is not SMART. Any small step forward can portrayed as achieving the objective. 

This is similar to project descriptions in a project, or acceptance criteria in a functional specification. We know when we have achieved something because all the boxes can be ticked. So our ability to determine whether we have achieved an objective depends on the quality of our specification


ApplicableYour goal also needs to be realistic and attainable to be successful. In other words, it should stretch your abilities but still remain possible. When you set an achievable goal, you may be able to identify previously overlooked opportunities or resources that can bring you closer to it.

An achievable goal will usually answer questions such as:

How can I accomplish this goal?

How realistic is the goal, based on other constraints, such as financial factors?





These criteria might seem so obvious that we could assume that we apply them instinctively


Saturday, 3 April 2021

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and reflection

Part of an assignment I am doing for a course asks me to review various models for 'Reflection' and to choose a suitable one to apply. I nearly overlooked some important areas of my experience which I  now see are relevant.

A Clinical Psychologist once told me that my need to tell the truth made me incompatible with the organisation that I work for. This observation has never left me. I regard myself as an ethical humanist and place a high value on integrity and truthfulness.  But insincerity and lack of truthfulness seem to be almost unavoidable ingredients for career progression, certainly in the places I have worked. So, in holding to my principles,  I have always tended to be competing with one arm tied behind my back in career terms. 

In 2004, I was the Information Manager for an NHS Trust and one of my responsibilities was to make various official information submissions on behalf of the Trust. One of these was a pro forma statement about whether the Trust had completed various actions. It was clear from discussions with the relevant managers that we had not achieved what was required. However, this submission was an element that fed into the Trust's 'Star Ratings', something that was of particular interest to the Trust's Executives. 

I was told by the Executive Director with responsibility for Performance to submit the information to say that the Trust had achieved these objectives. I said this was untrue and I refused to do so. After a few threats, which failed to move me, an alternative route was found to submit the untruthful statements. However, from this point my card was marked.

In a subsequent reorganisation, this same Director was given overall line management control over me. Unsurprisingly, from this point I was subjected to an insidious and protracted campaign of bullying and unsubtle attempts to force me out of the organisation. Eventually my health collapsed. Work-based stress led me to depression, to anti-depressant medication, and extended time off work.     

This is the point where I signed up for a couple of episodes of counselling, initially with a Clinical Psychologist, then with a High Intensity Practitioner working for First Step. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) was suggested as part of this. I was initially sceptical about its likely usefulness. After all, I saw myself as the victim of other people's bad behaviour, not as a person who had spontaneously become mentally unwell due to intrinsic factors. CBT provided structure.  I was given 'homework' and starting writing a reflective diary. What I found was, in spite of my initial scepticism, I started to feel better. I think the key was that I extended my level of self-awareness. I recognised how I thought and how I behaved in various situations. I was 100% accurate in my observations of the bad behaviour that I was being subjected to. But I was adding a layer on top of this in which my thoughts became self destructive and paralysing. I was over-thinking everything and becoming hyper-vigilant. Confirmation bias created an increasingly destructive feedback loop.

I saw that it was not my fault that I was being treated badly by this Director. Indeed it turned out that many other colleagues were being subjected to similar treatment by this loathsome individual, now thankfully departed  to extrude his poison elsewhere.

Since recognising better how I think and behave, I have enjoyed many years of good health

Stepping outside the context of dealing with such workplace behaviour, the wider benefit to me is of increased self awareness and an appreciation of the value of reflection. In terms of the familiar models of reflective practice, in CBT, I was not aware we were following any specific model. What I have found is that the act of writing things down is in itself very beneficial. It allows me to slow down the speed at which thoughts swirl around my mind and to examine them more carefully. I can deconstruct and reconstruct, which is not unlike what I do regularly in my role as an Analyst.

Edgar Bolton. 


Any views expressed above are purely mine and should not be mistaken for those of any organisations or individuals I have been associated with