My NHS employment incorporates an annual appraisal process with an accompanying Personal Development Plan. This plan would include any new things I might need to carry out my job role (Principal Information Analyst) and my latest objectives. It could, in theory, also include any remedial areas identified. Thankfully there are none of these. In practice, the appraisal process has been disjointed and, for the most part, I have been directing my own personal development for some time.
I identified the M.Sc. Digital Transformation Specialist (Data and Analytics) course as my top personal development priority. This course is delivered as an Apprenticeship and I am funding it through the NHS Apprenticeship levy.
One option for extending experience and learning would be to apply to another job which moves me further in the desired direction. If I were to be offered another job, it would be a major challenge to transfer the Apprenticeship to it. So if I want to complete my top priority, the M.Sc. apprenticeship course, I am reconciled to most likely remaining in my current employment for the next two years.
A more realistic option would be seek to shape suitable new experiences within my current job role, or by negotiating temporary alternative roles . I will keep this in mind in my regular discussions with my line manager.
One module of the course, towards the end, is a major work based project. This is intended to synthesize the various aspects covered. It will be an excellent opportunity to extend my experience. At this early stage I am keeping my options open for the focus for this project.
The modules of the course provide a framework for the next two years. They form a series of concentrated blocks of time with small gaps in between. There will be additional things to learn over the same period. But the bulk of my time and energy will have to be devoted to the course.
Part 2 of the TDL (Technical and Digital Leadership) assignment includes developing a detailed action plan to move me forward in specific areas, based around leadership, that I identify within that module.
In terms of the TDL action plan, it is clear that there will be significant limits to the time over the next two years available to fit in other substantial development activities. There are still possibilities, particularly if I can combine these developments with other work activities. But outside of this, the main things that will be possible will be those that do not need protracted time input. This will include any one-off enabling actions and any that can remain open for a long time with periodic attention.
So the time framework for the TDL plan looks something like this
- Immediate - actions to be carried out as soon as possible
- Duration of M.Sc. Apprenticeship - actions over roughly the next two years
- Following completion of M.Sc. Apprenticeship - two years time and beyond
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