Monday, 29 March 2021

Review of North Cumbria Digital Strategy


The North Cumbria Digital Strategy 2020-24 is a 30 page document available digitally as a pdf file on the Trust intranet. It is unclear if it is available publically. It is said to have been approved by the Trust’s Executives. It does not feature in public Board minutes.

Published (launched) 21st March 2021, the timing is curious. It is 15 months into the timespan the strategy covers.

The stated scope  is  the Trust  ‘..and care partners’ . Further into the document these are identified (p.5) as 39 GP practices,  CHOC (Cumbria Health on Call), eight Primary Care Networks, eight Integrated Care Communities,  CNTW (Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear) who provide mental health and learning disability services, Cumbria County Council, NWAS (North West Ambulance Service), community pharmacies, the third sector,  and NHS England and NHS Improvement.

The Foreward (p.2) underlines the pivotal role of ‘Digital Health’. It states that

‘This strategy sets out how in the next 4 years we will become recognised exemplar digital hospital where people seek employment and where patients receive digitally enabled best care’

The Forward ends with a quote from Darzi  (2018)

‘Digital technology has the potential to shift the balance of power between clinicians providing care to patients receiving care’

The Introduction (p.3) states that the strategy was created ‘through a series of workshops, one-to-one interviews and surveys’. It does not state who was involved in this. The Introduction then provides a description of the contents of the main sections of the document

What Does Digital Mean? (p.4)  confuses more than it illuminates. It starts saying that ‘digital should be seen less as a thing and more a way of doing things’.  The explanation of what digital is then ranges widely touching on many things that are not specifically digital at all.

 Context (p.5) provides background in the Trust and summarises the Trust’s overall vision and aims. The two graphics used look as if they have been pasted from elsewhere as the writing on both is too small to be read comfortably. Page 6 continues to state that ‘our Digital Strategy forms a key part of a wider geographical digital strategy that spans the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) Integrated Care System (ICS) ‘. It then provides some information on recent NHS national digital strategy

 Our Digital Story so far (pp.7-8) highlights a number of achievements, many of which precede the creation of the current Trust in October 2019

 Our Digital Vision (p.9)

A kind of half table, half chart is used to summarise the digital vision:

The bottom of p.9 is padded out with a meaningless, distracting semi-cartoon like graphic


Our future vision (p.10)  indicates that at some point in the future everything patient-related will be digital (or ‘digitised’) and that all partners will have access to it


Benefits (p.10)

Digitise Patient interactions and Apps Integrated with Systems indicates that patients will have the ability to interact remotely and add to their own records


Accessible Records Across North Cumbria and Partners  and Friction-Free Information Sharing and

Unifying Disparate Information - indicates that our information will be available ‘across the region’



 Our Guiding Principles (p.11)


‘A digital mind-set provides the basis for cross-functional collaboration, flattens hierarchies, and builds environments to encourage the generation of new ideas’


Surely the basis for collaboration is a collaboration mind-set? Flattening hierarchies would involve the removal of layers of management. There is no evidence of any inherent will to do this and consultation feedback along these lines in the most recent Digital Restructure was ignored 


In the middle of p.12 (‘Our Request’) the voice changes from bring that of the Trust to being that of the Digital Department. 

Supporting the Digital Strategy (p.13-4) lapses into a role based focus on the Digital Department and heralds another reorganisation


Making Decisions (p.15) is a disjointed mixture of statements about categorisation of initiatives, impact, prioritisation. This is the prelude to more role based thinking indicating that all proposals will go through the ‘Business Planning Group’ and outlining (p.16) a vague committee structure

Delivering the Digital Strategy (p.17) indicates that five programmes have been set up within a four-year implementation period. It refers to a supporting implementation plan

Five ‘highlights’ are set out, four of which are scheduled for 2020, so presumably either have already happened  or are already overdue


1. Enabling our Workforce (p.18) sets out actions which seem either role focussed or vague

2. Strengthening our Digital Infrastructure (p.19)  contains a lot a statements that are simply restating the need to strengthen the Digital Infrastructure. There are almost no precise details. One statement:

‘Converging to single Domain for North Cumbria and Partners. All North Cumbria staff will be on a single modern domain designed to be robust and resilient. This will allow the organisation to introduce innovation and flexibility through the introduction of modern systems and technology. It will remove the digital friction of our calendar and email sharing.’

Could be read as implying that all North Cumbria partners (identified  on p.5 as 39 GP practices,  CHOC (Cumbria Health on Call), eight Primary Care Networks, eight Integrated Care Communities,  CNTW (Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear), Cumbria County Council, NWAS (North West Ambulance Service), community pharmacies, the third sector,  and NHS England and NHS Improvement) would all move to a single domain. This would be a massive achievement. However it is unlikely that this is what is meant. It seems likely that the main focus is bringing the two parts of the existing Trust onto one domain – something that was not tackled in the extensive period leading up to creation of the Trust in October 2019. The inclusion of GPs  in the section The move to cloud-based Office 365 is the only hint at anything wider than the current Trust and this is not domain specific. It is hard to see how the Trust will persuade CNTW, NWAS and NHS England to migrate to its own North Cumbria domain. This is not referred to in the regional ICS digital strategy. The ‘vibrant’ third sector may also have its own ideas.

The ambition to Move towards hybrid cloud infrastructure by 2024 (p.20) is one of those vague statements which could mean anything or nothing. A move towards something could be said to have been achieved simply by taking the very first step.

Most of the Strengthening our Digital Infrastructure section could be paraphrased to say ‘we recognise that we have neglected this for several years and are way behind most peer organisations – and we did not even complete the recent merger properly -  so we will bring ourselves up to where we should already be’

3. Digital Systems (p.22) This critical section is full of vague statements, most of which are restatements of the question, not the answer, for example

From Divergence to Convergence of Clinical Applications

‘In order to move from our current silo-based system architecture, we intend to pursue and agree a robust plan for EPR development that will meet our patient, staff and collaborative needs.’

‘We will ensure that all our future clinical applications are set on the pathway to converge and interoperability will be at its core’.

4. Data Analytics (p.24) This section is a ramshackle collection of vague, grandiose statements and buzzwords padded out by two spurious graphics. The tangible action seems to focus on producing a new Data Warehouse and introducing unspecified Business intelligence tools. How these platforms will be used to create Business Intelligence is not specified. It is unclear how all the data from all the various North Cumbria partners gets into this Datawarehouse – or even if it does – or how all this data – much of which is sensitive – can be safely used

5. Data Protection by Design (p.26)

This section seems to be little more than stating that we will do the things that we are, or should,  already be doing


What and When? (p.28)

This section includes a bizarre graphic in which a concentric timescale with six radial sectors is overlaid with a series non radial arrows

As a data visualisation this is incompetent, not least because the lengths of the arrows do not accurately reflect the timespans. It also suggest that several of the planned actions are already overdue

Our Digital Maturity (p.29)  This section contains the rather chilling admission

‘Our Trust currently has one of the lowest digital maturity levels in the NHS of its size and is heavily reliant on the movement of paper to facilitate the provision of care’.

Rather than look to why this is  - so we can avoid repeating the same behaviours – this section simply states the obvious – that we must do something about it . It then describes the HIMSS Benchmarking framework and leaps to the conclusion that

‘As a digitally mature organisation we will be able to shorten our diagnosis and treatment times whilst simultaneously creating a more efficient and cost effective organisation due to a large scale reduction in repetitive, manual and resource intensive activities. Our digital solutions will increase safety whilst simultaneously reducing resource intensive activities.’

Strategic Risks And Financial Plans (p.30) This section sketches out some general categories of risk

Not taking the workforce with us

Not implementing well

Not achieving high value benefits

Resources being insufficient

Inertia & too slow pace of delivery


The first listed risk is said to be ‘Mitigated by our clinically led, technically enabled approach…’ . It could be argued that one of the main factors in the current highly fragmented, inefficient tangle of overlapping, competing half solutions this that under-informed technical people have been led by a small number of highly influential, but not necessarily representative, clinicians

The risks, apart from the obvious lack of funding,  could be re-stated as lack of clear vision, lack of strategic analysis, lack of understanding of scope, lack of recognition of the potential for disruptive innovation from competitors, lack of self-scrutiny and self-awareness.

In short the people who presided for several years over the slide into  ‘one of the lowest digital maturity levels in the NHS ‘ are shamelessly putting themselves forward as those who will transform us into a ‘recognised exemplar digital hospital’



There is a lot of big talk, simply echoing nationally defined themes,  with a lot of vague generalities. Bold claims are made about where we are going but the document demonstrates very little understanding of what is needed to get there. A lot of the focus is simply to catch up with where we should already be.


There is too much fixation with the roles, responsibilities and processes of the Digital Department.


The document is particularly lacking in detail about how our extensive list of partners will share and access data


Overall I am left feeling short-changed and very disappointed by it. I have no confidence that the authors have the capability to lead us to the destinations they sketch out


My conclusion is that the Trust has been required to produce a Digital Strategy which means that somebody needed to create a document. Some of the obvious national themes have been echoed. But in place of strategic analysis we have boasting. And in place of a clear direction we have glib, vague statements. The implication is that if we proceed with a rag bag approach  of committees and projects, somehow  we will arrive magically at our destination.  


Overall it feels more like a sales brochure than strategy. But the fact it now exists as a document labelled ‘Digital Strategy’ makes it even harder to produce an actual digital strategy


I think we are in trouble




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